Kore Essentials is the originator of the reinforced, ratchet gun belt and our customers can tell you it’s the best fitting, most comfortable gun belt you will ever wear. That’s why it’s the #1 rated, best selling gun gun belt on the market today for concealed carry, everyday carry (EDC), CCW folks, tactical training, competition shooters, security professionals, law enforcement and even military personnel.
Why? Because our micro-adjustable track system lets you precisely size your Kore gunbelt ¼” at a time, to one of 40+ sizing points. The result > the Perfect Fitting Gun Belt - all day, every day. In addition, every Kore Holster Belt utilizes our proprietary, Reinforced Power-Core center (more durable than a steel core belt) that eliminates any sag and rollover. You get total support for any concealed carry firearm or equipment.
At Kore Essentials we understand, that when you carry a
firearm every day for work or personal protection – your gun belt needs to
provide unrestricted adjustability, total support and maximum comfort.
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belt #battlebelt #copbelt #patrol belt
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